Sunday, April 6, 2008

So tired....

On a road trip to X-ray

Me that is. Charlie did not behave last night at all. He got all worked up while Aunt Erin was here then when I got back to the hospital he vomited/spit up yellowish sputum (the nurses think it may have been stomach acid) twice. So I held him in the chair to keep his head up and decrease the risk of aspiration. He calmed down with the patented “Jeri Sterling bum pat” and fell asleep for 1 ½ hours while I rocked him. He was mad throughout the night except between 2-4 and from 6-8. His feeds have been on and off all night depending on how much residual is measured. If he is off feeds for more than 30 minutes, IV fluids are started to make up the difference. He has lost some weight (7 oz) so they want to make sure he gets as many calories as possible.

Answers to previous questions= I asked a couple weeks ago about the lactobacillus and the resident said that he had been off of antibiotics long enough to regain the good bacteria in his stomach but it is well worth asking again. He is on erythromycin to help stomach emptying instead of Reglan because for some reason they don’t like to use Reglan in patients with brain injury.

Update: The on-call doctor just came in and is concerned about not tolerating his feeds. She did not hear any bowel sounds so she has stopped his feeds and ordered IV fluids. I vented his tube and pulled out all the residual (35cc) food in his stomach because his bowels aren’t currently working. We went down for a stomach X-ray to check for bowel blockage and it came back normal except for a lot of constipation. So the plan is to get a new IV (the one in his left foot hurts him anytime fluid is put through it), give him fluids until he poops then start pedialite for the rest of the day. I’m glad to have some sort of explanation to his fussiness although he had diarrhea yesterday morning so how does a kid switch that fast.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the update, Anj. I'm sorry he is still struggling. Sounds like he is giving everyone a chance to test their problem solving skills. It sure is hard to be so far away.
Hang on - You are a great Mom.
G-ma C

Suz said...

There is nothing worse than faulty elimination! We will keep our fingers crossed for a really good blowout!

Anonymous said...

Hello sweet charlie,
Feel better soon!Ms Shyla

Meghan said...

i know a guy who might be able to answer the "how can one switch that fast" question... i am sad he is having such a struggle with the feeds. i just keep thinking about robs tummy after he eats a lot and wants you to "feel it - just feel it". maybe he has his daddys bad digestive system. i hope his tumm feels better soon.

Shani said...

So apparantly I DO need a redbull for sure tonight? Bring it on Charlie!

Roxey said...

I'm sorry for the rough night. I'm so sad his tummy is so upset, and hope the fluid order helps. I hope you get some peace and rest today.
Much love and prayers,

whit said...

Meg, do you actually feel Rob's stomach?

Anonymous said...

I hope they get his digestion figured out soon. Just to mention it in case it could possibly be a solution - my son had an unknown digestion problem when he was less than a year. We tried everything and had every test run. Eventually a world renowned dr in Houston came up with the solution. A combination of Prevacid, Erythromycin, and Bethanecol. I know you had previously mentioned Prevacid and Erythromycin, so I wanted to mention the Bethanecol in case you wanted to mention it to the drs. It was the cure all for my son and would be delighted if it helped Charlie's digestion as well.

Meghan said...

whit, indeed i have. i don't recommend it.

Anonymous said...


They can test his stool for good bacteria. My 5 year old had almost no beneficial flora 2 months after antibiotics, which by the way caused an overgrowth of candida yeast. We wouldn't know if we hadn't had his stool tested. How can they say that Charlie regained his good bacteria if he is still on erythromycin? And he is not eating any real food, any yogurt, so where can he regain it from?

I know, conventional doctors don't give much credit to all that intestinal flora stuff, so for us it took a naturopathic doctor to figure out our son's stomach situation. You, however, have to work with your hospital doctors.
Maybe you can at least ask for a stool test for intestinal bacteria...
Take care.