When I decided to come over last minute to spend my four-day off work with Cooper I didn't think that I'd be trapped in by the duty to post on our little superstar's blog. Anyhow, I did manage to get out of the state without doing so and back to Colorado, but my family guilt prevails and I know that before I go back on shift in the morning I must post of my incredible time with Charlie and his amazing family.
I hadn't been able to come over to visit during the time Coop was on holiday in the PCMC suites due to school, fire academy and work. It was hard being so far away and not being able to "help" with all that my amazing family did during the last three+ months. Rob and Angel were generous to a fault (again) and offered me some travel vouchers they had to come over. It was a last minute plan and yet nothing could have been more perfect. Thanks Rob and Angel for being such amazing people!
During the last four days I got to experience first hand the bumm-patting that must not end. Cooper knows what he likes and has no intention of letting his holder slack off. I learned all of Coopers meds, routines, bathtime, dressing changes, feedings (and to be absolutely certain that all the caps are on really tight), venting, and positioning fairly quickly and was able to take some of those tasks over for a couple of days. Cooper, Britt and I spent some time alone together while mommy ran some errands and we even got Rob and Angel to go out on a proper dinner date! We had big plans to go for some good walks but the weather had different plans and brought rain nearly each day. We'll get those walks in on my next visit in June.
I know that you all have some idea of what an incredible person Angel is, but you have no idea how organized she is with Charlie's care and with what simple grace she glides through her days. In addition to caring for Charlie, she manages to dedicate quality time to play with Britton; playing hide and seek, race-cars, shooting of various weaponry, computer learning games and more. She is on top of everything, has a clean and tidy house, laundry is always done, appointments are made, errands run, everyone is fed and she never loses her bright smile through it all!
Rob, Angel, Britt, and Charlie... Thank you so much for allowing me to share your gorgeous new home, your positive outlook on life and all that it brings, your glimpse of fame as a "Wasatch Woman", your massive bag of Cinnamon Bears (damn them!), and most of all the truest little angel I've ever known...Charlie.
In early January I was in town and spent some good time with all of my fantastic family. Charlie and I played lots at Grandma Cheryl's house, played peek-a-boo, bounced, and we ate lots of dinner together. Charlie is a huge fan of food and the best little eater ever. his smile would brighten a room no matter how large and he was the happiest little guy in the world. As sad as it was initially to see him lying so locked up deep inside, it's not so terrible in reality. Charlie is still the sweetest little guy in the world, I know that smile is still in there and hope to see it again sometime soon. I loved my time holding him, soothing him in whatever way I could find, talking to him and gazing into those bright blue eyes. My very favorite time with this little angel was after Rob and Ang had gone to sleep at night and Coop and I had a few hours to ourselves. He would get so upset, have a hard time being soothed and we'd end up lying side by side on Britton's bed, with Charlie cooing and me patting him and talking to him about all kinds of things until he calmed and could go to sleep for the night. I am certain that he knows how loved he is and perhaps he can even hear what we are saying or see us loving him. He is a remarkable little spirit, has a big brother who adores him, dotes on him, and loves to help in his care, two of the best parents any child who wish for, an extended family who'd do anything in the world for him, and an endless network of friends across the globe that continue to pray for and cheer him on.
I know that I'm a better person for having spent a few days with Super Cooper and have a renewed sense of exactly what is important in life.
I love you Coops!!!
~Aunt Trishie
What a beautiful post! Sounds like Cooper has such a great aunt. I'm glad she was able to be there to help you out. We continue to pray for you.
Love, from St. George, UT
thought i'd hop online to check in before working a wedding today. poor choice - i need more mascara. it was fun to see you for a bit and I know how great it was for r&a to have you here to help organize and play with coop. he is a champ, a fighter, and an amazing little man. i agree with you - it won't be long before we see that big smile again.
What a lovely tribute; this family, and all of you as extension, are so above and beyond typical. I love these glimpses of Charlie, Rob, Angel and Britton through the eyes of others. Still thinking of and praying for you all,
love the post and agree 100% with the comment above. it is so incredible to see charlie and fam through others eyes. what amazing people you all are! thank you again for teaching me.
Since so many of us have never met Charlie, it is so great to have these glimpses into his life-it truly feels like we know him. Thank you for sharing. He looks wonderful! Happy Mother's Day!
I have really loved to read all of the blogs and comments. Especially his aunts it is really a privledge to read about all of the wonderful family and friend surrounding our special little boy and his family. I have missed him this week at work but am really thrilled that he is home. it was a real privledge to take care of charlie and to become friend with his family. i know that he will continue to do great and remember to call if you guys need anything. hope you catch lots of fish and I hope to see you soon. Love ya, Randa
You are all such amazing people. I love it how close you are all and how willing all of you are to help Charlie. I must admit though I am a little jealous that you get to spend time with Coop and hold the little angel. Keep up the good work. Happy Mother's Day Angel! You deserve the Mother of a LIFETIME award.
Okay, I should know by now to have a kleenex ready when I read this blog! I loved reading about Trish's experience with all of the family. I know she loved caring for Charlie and giving Angel and Rob a break. I wish more of us could do that for them! I know grandma Cheryl loved spending time with Trish and Charlie. You are all such an inspiration to all of us out here in blog land. I pray for Angel to have a peaceful and joyous Mother's Day. You are such a strong example of what Mother's can do. We admire you and Rob.
It was great to meet you Trish, and that is an amazing post. I agree with how amazing Angel, Rob, Brit, and Charlie are. This blog always knows how to put things in to perspective! Love and prayers, Rox
Here come the tears again...ditto on the mascara, although I am at least headed to bed (nice work, Meg, on the mascara factor on a Saturday!). Thanks, Trish, for giving us another perspective of the boy and his family that keeps our lives in perspective!!!
Happy Mother's Day, Angel. No one I know deserves a day of recognition more than you!!! I hope it is a good one.
What a fabulous post. Hope you had a great mothers day Angel. Charlie looks so good. He is such a stud.
Happy Mother's Day Angel....you are a wonderful example of what a mother should be and such an inspiration to me. Your precious baby boy has touched our lives...he truly is a special little guy! Love reading your blog...thanks for sharing your lives with us. Love, the Paddock family
That was an amazing post. Tears at the heart strings.... I can't even keep up with my house, errands, laundry, appointments and kids and I don't have to pat a little bum and fix meds and whatever else... Angel, you are amazing, and thank you to Aunt Trish for a deeper glimpse into what an amazing woman Angel is. I am blown away and sitting here crying. Crying for the loss of that smile (temporarily!) and playing peek-a-boo.... and for the amazing strength you show of dealing with what is. You all have so many fans. Thank you for sharing with all us strangers.
Love the puckered lips picture! Sooooooooo cuuuuuute!!
Ditto to what "clancy in Idaho" said. (Pardon me as I wipe the everflowing tears) I can't manage to keep my home in order let alone have the beautiful smile grace my face as does in Angel's with each picture posted. You deserve many blessings bestowed on this past Mother's Day. And the post by Trish was beautiful. I hope that those beautiful blue eyes will again sparkle and that smile will grace beautiful Charlie's face. We all continue to pray for your family, for your sweet Charlie. What an amazing example you have all been. Prayers for all of you.
Trish, it is great to see you holding Coop. Your grin was enormous and that is the best part. When something like that can lighten up your life you know you are on the right track. It is amazing how ordinary everything seemed and how fun and loveable everyone was before Coop's "holiday"...well, now the "norm" is beautiful, awful, fantastic, spiritual, kind, generous ANGELS.... Love you , Jill
i'm sure you hear this alot but you have the most beautiful little boy i've ever seen! He is so blessed to have wonderful parents who love him so much! Good luck!
what a beautiful post....thank you for the "good tears," and for sharing your experience in calming Charlie in the night...what a WONDERFUL extended family he has!! Oh, I just love that little boy, and hope that everyone in the family is doing well. Way to go Angel for being a go-getter who can manage the household and a little boy who needs her care 24/7. I wish you could know how much we admire you and Rob and your family! Much love and many prayers, STILL!
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