I’ve got heartburn w/ many of you out in blogland, this poll was the worst idea in the history of earth. About as bad as standing on an Aircraft Carrier in the middle of a war and saying "Mission accomplished!" It was intended to be a sure-fire implement to get my wife to post. Many of you shout from the heavens proclaiming your love for her posts, I thought that if left to the people it would be a done deal. Apparently not, 59% of you are idiots. Some have suggested (Whit) that this poll was a tool for me to glean praise, compliment and reassurance. I would have expected that you knew me better (Whit). For those of you that may not know me w/ the intimacy of my Senior Ball date rest assured that Rob’s ego needs no additional stroking as he is quite adept at personally bolstering his self-esteem and any additional complementation is icing on the cake. However, as a good sport I will concede and offer my best effort to give Charlie’s Bear Lake trip a voice.
**Disclaimer: Had you voted for Angel the following post would have been filled with all sorts of interesting details written with such exactness and piquancy that NASA engineers would be left blushing. Instead 59% of you have asked for tangent filled inane ramblings loaded with vast amounts of pretentious diction and manufactured verbiage only understood by the voices in my head.**
Charlie was, as Britton would say, "wicked stoked" to go on his first trip since he got sick. I know this because he told me. I wish. Actually one could deduce his excitement by his demeanor while enroute. He was the most pleasant little boy and did famously on the 2 ½ hour roadie up to Sweetwater. This was in large part to the engineering done by his mother to get the feed bag up and running in the truck. Once we got to the condo Char had a little snooze while the orchestra of unpacking started. You know what this post sucks already. I sound like a Missionary giving a mediocre travel log at his homecoming and if I keep it up you’ll feel obligated to come up afterwards, shake my hand, say welcome home and tell me what a great job I did on my talk then come to my house and eat my food. I don’t want that and I don’t think you do either.
Lets talk about highlights. Charlie went swimming and didn’t hate it. I did. I was more than a bit squeamish about letting him in the urine filled pitri dish of a kiddy pool, however his mother was not. She had confidence in the professional opinion of Charlie’s doctors that swimming pools were ok. So it was a little backstroke for Char while Britton showed me all the new tricks he has learned since he enrolled in swim lessons. He’s so advanced and he’ll be the first to tell you that he’s a level 2 swimmer (all you have to do is put your head under the water and blow bubbles to pass level 1). Another highlight of the trip that was amazing to me was how well our little man did with playing musical Charlie. All weekend he was cyclically passed from Mom to G-ma to Aunt to Cousin to Dad to random stranger to Uncle to Brother to Cousin and tolerated it way better than in the past. Sure he still gets over stimulated pretty easy but he’s improving. I think Charlie’s best Bear Lake experience was that he was able to enjoy the time-honored tradition of a nice long afternoon snooze down on the beach. When he woke up he and his mom played in the sand for a bit and I think it was well received. We debated on whether or not to take him for a boat ride but with the condition of his vestibular system still a question we opted not. The trip was a quick one, we usually go for a week and although we were only there for 2 days we still took the full weeks rations and put a pretty good dent in it, I think it was worth it. Angel may tell you a different story but only because she did 99.9% of the work in getting us there and making sure everyone had fun. I was busy putting the fear of the Almighty into nieces and nephews and braking Rod’s wakeboard tower. Thanks for a fun trip toots.
Now for all of Charlie’s blog peeps I hope that you will consider the marginality of this post when asked in the future whom you’d like to hear from.
Rob, let us clear something up - not only was I the best date to prom ever (because you can't stop talking abou it) but there was never any.... I can't say anything that implies vulgarity, Kathy reads this! Ang, we need you parallel post to go with this, you are not off the hook - all those in favor, say aye.
Coop, you look great in your beach garb. What did he do in the sand? I'm glad you guys had a change of scenery that didn't include linoleum floors. Britt, was it totally wicked?
Could he be any cuter? He looks so great! Glad it was a fun trip. Still checking in here in Utah Valley!
yeah i agree we need angels view as well...it looks like a lot of fun and I can't imagine the amount of work that went into planning it!!!
Oh my beautiful boys! Glad you enjoyed your trip.
Wow Charlie looks like he is feeling better! He is looking awesome! Glad that he did so well on the trip. Angel are you exhausted from all the hard work? Way to go you did it!!! Good job little man!!!!!!!! Keep up the good work. You look so good!!!!!!
We keep praying and thinking about you!
Bountiful Family
Okay, okay, I change my vote. I definitely want Angel to post. ;)
Cute pics though!
cute picture of charlie in the sand. we're glad you had a fun trip and that charlie was well behaved :)
It sounds like you guys had a BLAST!! Charlie looks so grown up in these pictures and looks like he is doing better!
Love the Woolstenhulmes
Rob, there is no way on Earth you can convince any of us that you don't sit at the computer, thesaurus in hand, and spend hours writing these posts. I would've voted for Angel just to give you a break from summer school...
Little man in the sand - I bet that was a tour de force for his senses! Wonderful, and I'm glad Britton and Rob could get a little away time and some napping in. I'm assuming Angel is as I know her to be (as most moms are) and she did all the packing, all the cooking and cleaning, all the orchestrating, and very little napping.
Happy for you all.
Great post, great pics, but--no photos of the lake or the boat. Bear Lake stuff. Charlie and Bear Lake should include, you know, the l-a-k-e.
Angel, it exhausts me just to think of all the work that went into this little jaunt. Good work-and your baby looks content. You're doing great with him.
I love the picture of the boys napping together and the previous post about what your daily life is like and how Charlie has improved! I have loved this little kid from afar since February and I am so grateful that you still post and give us occasional updates. Thank you for that.
Angel-I know how much work it takes to prepare the family for a trip and help the kids recover after, so I am glad that you got off the hook and didn't have to blog about it too. Rob needs to help out every now and then, right? ;)
Enjoy your weekend!
-Your Friends in NC
Sorry to say I voted for the Dad to post...I figured the Mom would be too busy. You use such big words, I wasn't sure what all the words meant. ha..ha! j/k
Charlie looks really good. All I can say is when my little family goes on a vacation, it takes me forever to pack my kids, so Props to Mom. I can't even imagine all the work you did. It sounds like it was worth it. Charlie looks so cute in his Summer wear. thanks for the update!
love the pic of britt and charlie...i'm glad you all had a great time. isabella has been asking to play with britt.
Welcome home and glad things went well. Angel, I would say something about hoping you are recovering ok (I'm procrastinating preparing for a family excursion as we speak), but since you practically put the entire yard in by yourself while Rob was away, I must surmise that you recovered just fine! No surprise!! Congrats on the trip and the yard!
Hey I have been so busy and haven't looked at the blog for a few weeks. (Although I still pray daily for Charlie and your family.) I read the blog about what charlie is doing now...ie., moving head form side to side etc. That is great. He looks better everytime I see him. I love the pics of him with big brother. Britton must be a sweet kid. You got two special little guys.
Charlie is looking GREAT!!! I am glad that you guys got to go and that you had fun. You will find that the hardest thing about traveling is the packing all of the necessary stuff just for Charlie, but you do it so that you can go and have fun and it is so worth it.
Now Rob, since Angel did 99.9% of the work on the trip, I'm sure everyone figured you might as well be doing something while you were doing nothing ;)
But if it helps, I didn't vote for you.
Im glad you guys had a good time.
i hope you all learned your lesson. i urged you all to VOTE for an unlikely blogger (see ty and juan's votes) to throw the thing, But do you listen? nooooo.
ang would have posted way more pictures. and that's what we all want. rob likes to hear himself speak.
char did great. and ang did do all the packing, unpacking, packing, cooking, feeding, crafting, etc... and smiled the whole time and played with both boys... she is pretty amazing... and rob is good for a laugh.
It looks like you had so much fun. I hope you had time to enjoy yourself despite all the work, Ang. I hope this is the first of many future trips-especially if one of them involves Phoenix! We had a fight about who to vote for complete with hair pulling. Josh wanted Rob but I wanted Angel. I am glad to report that I won the battle! Welcome home!
I'm not joking, Ang, you have to post. More pics, more info. Give Charlie a kiss for me, I'm glad I saw him tonight. Ugh, I love him, moist mouth and all.
Well, done Rob - hope to see more pictures. Thanks for the inspiration that your family is - your boys are adorable
I'm glad you guys had a great vacation. Charlie looks happy!! I'm glad he is doing so well. Keep up the good work & inspiration.
Charlie looks SO good!!!! Healthy, strong, stable and doing well. I'm happy to hear that you are going on with life and continuing to do the fun things you would always do in spite of Char's disability. You people amaze me, and I think very highly of you. That little Charlie is SO CUTE!!!!
I do not care who won the poll. Just as long as you post some when you get a minute . It is great to see that Char is experiencing normal activities. shy;la
Glad the trip was a success! Charlie looks great in the pics. A big pat on the back goes to Angel for getting everyone packed to go. I hate to add this since Rob made it clear his ego is in better than perfect form, but we have to admit that Bry and I both find Rob's posts hilarious. Happy rest of summer!
I guess it's a good thing that you guys were able to get some much needed time to party with beautiful Tim shortly before this excursion. It's good that you were able to get away! Cute pictures!! Keep up the good work.
hey guys i just wanted to drop in and offer you guys a slushi........ramon, charlie is looking awsome.
My heart smiles to know that you all got out and had a nice little vacation!! The boys are adorable as ever, and it's so heart warming to know that Charlie is doing better! God bless you all, and I will keep praying for nothing but good news!!!!!
Rob that probably is the worst blog post in the history of the blogland. Angel, you have to do a better job when you can please!!!
I say...we are good VOTERS!
Thanks for a good post, Rob!
What a sweet sweet boy he is, and thanks for sharing your bear lake trip with us!
I am friends with Wes and Shannon Ledford and check in on your website and just love hearing the good news and watching the fun you guys have! You are a very inspirational family!- Ali Parris
Rob and Angel,
It has been a little while since I last read the blog. I just wanted you to know how happy I am the family was able to get away to Bear Lake. My thoughts are with you and Coop frequently.
I can't tell you how happy I was to read the account of Coop's smile at his Dad. I'm a believer! Hopefully all the expert help you are getting at this stage will help unlock more events like this one. Try and get one of those moments for Angel ASAP she deserves one :)
Let me know if you need anything. The door/phone is always open.
Dr. O
For the Charlie fans that would like some legitimate info/photos check out Meggie's blog. Sister's are always trying to clean up after their brother's!
Rob and Angel, thanks for continuing your posts on Charlie and Britton. I need and love to read how your cute little family is doing!
Rob, we checked out your personal blog the other day and saw that you are reading (or have read) Raising An All-American. My maiden name is Durrant. My dad wrote that book! :-) Anyway, I thought it was cool. I had him sign a copy of the book for you if you want it. If you are interested, shoot Bry an email with your address and we will send it your way. Hope all is well.
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