Monday, March 31, 2008

Still Waiting...

Last picture of left ear without a cochlear implant device.

We are still in the OR holding room. Charlie is sleeping peacefully due to his 12:00 dose of clonadine. The resident came and told us that they are still unable to locate the device so they are calling the University of Utah to see what they have available. In the meantime our anesthesiologist said his nephew had a similar history with meningitis and recently recieved a cochlear implant and writes about his experience. His blog is
We haven't read much of it yet but if you are bored it might make the time go faster until we are taken back for surgery.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Charlie is so beautiful and he has looks so so much better. God speed with continued recovery. Many many prayers from Massachusetts.
PS whatever and whenever you can update will be great. We will keep praying very hard for the little guy.